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President Keep Hands off Domestic Affairs - Reformist MDP Members

President Keep Hands off Domestic Affairs - Reformist MDP Members

Posted June. 25, 2002 22:46,   


Some reformist lawmakers in the ruling Millennium Democratic Party, who have demanded the party’s breakup with President Kim, suggest that the president keep his hands off all internal affairs and instead concentrate on diplomacy and national security.

“President Kim said he would devote himself to dealing with national affairs during his televised apology to the people on June 22,” a key member of the mainstream faction said on June 25. “He needs to be more resolute this time than November last year when he pledged to distance himself from politics by leaving the party.”

MDP chairman Han Hwa-gap is reportedly considering meeting with the president to convey the atmosphere in the party. “I recently urged Han to meet with president Kim and ask him to take a decisive action,” said a close associate to Han.

Meanwhile, Han expressed his opposition to urging Kim Hong-il, president Kim’s first son, to leave the party. ¡°The differentiation strategy must not focus on denouncing others. That would not be helpful to unite the party and solve the problem,’’ Hahn said in a meeting with ranking MDP officials.

“You must sack me first before let Kim Hong-il go,” fumed Rep. Kim Ok-doo from Donggyo-dong faction, close confidants of President Kim. Nonetheless, Rep. Shin Ki-nam, chairman of the anti-corruption committee, plans to put the demand on the agenda for the upcoming session of the Supreme Council tomorrow.

Jeong-Hun Kim jnghn@donga.com