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President Kim to Address the Nation with Apology Today.

Posted June. 21, 2002 23:43,   


President Kim Dae-jung is expected to make a national address of apology on June 22 for the corruption scandal involving his second son Hong-Up.

A source at Chongwadae said on June 21, “President Kim’s apology is unavoidable as Hong-Up’s involvement in corruption has been found in investigation by the prosecution. He added that President Kim would give his sincere apology and his commitment to government affairs for the remainder of his term.

It is of interest to see whether the presidential address would contain his proposal to resolve issues that have been voiced by the political circle such as formation of the party-neutral administration, returning the Asia Pacific Peace Foundation to the public as well as parliamentary member and President’s first son Hong-Il Kim’s resignation of Democratic Party membership.

President Kim has previously given 5 to 6 statements or announcements about his third son Hong-gul, but this is the first time he will be addressing the people to issue apology.

Chol-Hi Lee klimt@donga.com