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[Editorial] ‘Let’s Reelect after the By-Election’

Posted June. 17, 2002 23:19,   


The Democratic Presidential Candidate Noh, Moo-Hyun have proposed, “it is all right to reelect the Candidate after the by-election on August 8,” and that proposal might suggest getting through the problems within the party headfirst. However, his proposal raises some questions on several issues.

First of all, the terrible loss of local elections and the internal trouble caused by the drop of the Candidate Noh’s popularity is clearly problems within the party that they must solve within. However, they performed a national election for their Candidate for the first time in history saying that they would realize the real grass root democracy. However, the Candidate who went through that election says, “it is all right to have a reelection” and it makes us confusing.

He declared that he would ask for confidence if the party could not win any of the large local government head in Busan, Ulsan and Kyeongnam area. Therefore, it is time to ask for confidence and we will watch how clear and reasonable that goes. However, he did not say that he would ask for confidence but it was all right to have reelection with a condition of the win or loss of the by-election on August 8.

He says that it is possible to have a national convention and solve this confidence problem; however it is clear, he says, that that will have a bad influence on the by-election so he will work to the best of his ability on the by-election and decide his course of action. It is to say that he tries to use this by-election as a political momentum and secure the central power of the party. Anyhow, it is true that the promise of Candidate Noh is deteriorated.

Most of all the Democratic Party must do the reformation that meets public expectation. They must recover the trust as a public party first and foremost to find out clearly what the public thinks. It is not a way to survive for the Democratic Party to seek for the interest of the party or to continue the action for personal political purposes. That is why we watch closely the reelection proposal of the Candidate Noh.