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LG Electronics- Extension of Overseas Intern Staffs

Posted June. 17, 2002 23:31,   


LG Electronics announced to extend intern staff system to secure overseas elite human resources in early stage.

30 new staffs from international students of master or doctor degree of famous universities such as Stanford University and foreign Koreans will works in the head office or research center, etc from 17th of June to the end of July. The system will be applied to the elites of Russia, China, India, USA, etc that are foothold countries for LG Electronics.

Under the program called "Digital Leader Camp", two intern staff and one manager compose a team and perform project given.

Intern staffs will work in the Department of Management Strategy, Personnel, marketing, Research Center, etc. They will perform projects such as commercialization of digital television, Establishment of strategy of Sales Activation of TV, Brand Management, etc.

LG Electronics will enforce the system to secure overseas elite staffs at early stage as its overseas manufacturers increase in 30 numbers and 85% of turnover comes from overseas market.

Yeon-Su Shin ysshin@donga.com