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Not Only the Soccer But Also the Election Should be Boosted

Not Only the Soccer But Also the Election Should be Boosted

Posted June. 12, 2002 23:32,   


The nation will go to the polls today while everybody is stuck to soccer games. Today is really precious to facilitate the `grass root democracy` while electing 4415 heads of local governments and local council members. Today, priorities of people should be going to the polls and they must turn concerns of lowest ever voter down.

Of course it is true that the World Cup cast peoples` attention on the polls away. However politicians, who recognized the election as preliminary war of the presidential election scheduled to be held late this year, excessively engaged in the election and kept on slandering each other. We cannot deny that it is the other reason for voters stay away from the polls.

Despite the fact, voters should not take voting as negligible behavior. Keys of local autonomy are participating and supervising of peoples and the voting is the way to realize it. Low voters damages representation of elected candidates and possibly make disqualified candidates get elected through organized voting related with money. It would weaken our already- weak grounds for local autonomy. The fact that 51 out of 248 heads of local government got accused of corruption proves it. If the low voting makes it happen again, voters are responsible for the results.

Voting is not only a means to elect good candidates but also a selecting process to drop disqualified candidates. Despite you don`t have optimum candidate, you should vote to the second best to prevent those who should not be elected getting elected. We have several elections altogether at this time and it is hard to even recognize candidates. But it cannot be an excuse. Take a little closer look at publicity pamphlets the Election Committee has sent to you, and it will not difficult for you to determine level and quality of the candidates for some point.

Candidates really necessary for the local autonomy are the ones who know well about regional matters and have competitiveness in the administrative perspective. Those candidates who tried to gather voters by slandering others, exerting malicious propaganda and offering money should be judged by the voting. Today is the day we show our passion onto the polls, equivalent to that of soccer.