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North Korea’s Breaking Promise

Posted June. 11, 2002 23:07,   


Yesterday’s scheduled 2nd committee on “Activation of Tourism at Mt KumKang.” has indefinitely extended due to North Korea’s absents at the discussion. Although South Korea has submitted the names of the representatives well in advance, the North Korea have not at all responded back until present time.

This conference of the North and South Korea has been prearranged; By Dong Won Im, the special diplomat to the north, in early April. During Economical Collaborations Conference last month, Dong Won Im has stated South Korean’s expectation for their keen interest for yesterday’s conference where South Korean representative suggested sending economic specialists to the North to help shaping the North Korean’s Economy. Subsequently, except for the fourth family reunion between South and North Korea, Dong Won Im’s plan and suggestions have not put in to practice.

This sort of inexplicable North Korean’s action will not be good for their economy diplomatic relations with South Korea and USA it is somewhat unpredictable what North Koreans are thinking.

It can in fact only harm North Korean’s diplomatic related reputation to the world. North Korea’s current political issue is to have closer alliance with USA however who would want to have diplomatic relation with “Promise Breaking North Koreans?”

Current non-government relate issues with the North Koreans are, with South’s private enterprises is suggesting mobile telecommunication co-operations with North Korean firms, also confirming the date with the football game with north and south are slowly progressing. However North Korean’s ignorance towards South Korean government related diplomatic issues leaves us with great disappointment and we demand for North Korean to seriously reconsider their lack of political participation.