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A Betting Guru’s Expectation on the Soccer Match with America

A Betting Guru’s Expectation on the Soccer Match with America

Posted June. 10, 2002 06:18,   


“The first goal will be pretty difficult, but Korea will win.”

This is what Lee Wonbock (31, a researcher of Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade), the betting guru who had forecasted the exact results of Korea-Poland match and America-Portugal match, is expecting as the result of the coming game. Lee has sent e-mail to Dongailbo saying, “Both team would try to ensure the advancement into the second round at this game, but there’s a possibility of allowing many goals, so both team would focus more on the defense. Korea will eventually win the game by 1:0 or 2:0.”

According to lee’s analysis, since American team is left with a match against Poland, which would be relatively easy, Korean team would be more desperate to win the game.

He also said, “If Park Jisung and Song Jonggook scores in advance the game would be easy for the Korean team. The American team is very strong, but cannot beat the Korean team’s competency, rising atmosphere and the cheering team.” Lee also said that after he had forecasted the results of preceding matches, people keep asking him how he had done it. The secret of his success is thorough reading of the articles related to the soccer and watching all the World Cup matches. He said, “Untoward events are caused by psychological reasons rather than the teams’ competency.” He also forecasted that the Croatia would beat Italy, and he is now concerned he would make a wrong forecast someday.

Dong-Yong Min mindy@donga.com