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Party Leaders Continue Campaign Tours

Posted June. 09, 2002 07:56,   


Leaders of major political parties intensified their campaign efforts on June 8 entering the last weekend prior to the June 13 local election. They, in particular, zeroed in on the Metropolitan and Chungcheong-do areas where races are running close. Roh Moo-hyun, presidential candidate of the ruling Millennium Democratic Party (MDP), even called off his visit to Cheolla and Gyeongsang regions scheduled for June 9 and 10.

Lee Hoi-chang, presidential hopeful of the opposition Grand National Party, charged his opponent during his speeches in Chungbuk and Gyeonggi areas on June 8. "The presidential candidate of the ruling party himself is turning a blind eye to what has happened under the current government, now saying `he will not take over liabilities from his predecessor,` a recant from `he is willing to deal with both assets and liabilities,`" pointed out the acerbic candidate.

MPD president Suh Chung-won delivered a speech to party members from four Seoul constituencies, "We will root out corruption involving the political establishment, including the first family, once we win this local election."

Meanwhile, Roh took his turn while canvassing Gyeonggi and Chungnam areas, "I have neither had my hands on people`s tax money for personal use, nor extracted appropriations from the National Security Agency to mobilize campaign funds." He continued to take on his opponent, "My son completed his military service and my wife do not carry a millions of won worth of handbag."

"A latest edition of the Business Week predicts that Korea will emerge as the center of Asia by gaining global prominence through the World Cup games," MDP president Han Hwa-gap had also his say. "Only those GNP people, who brought the IMF crisis in the first place, are arguing that the economy is in bad shape."

Kim Jong-pil, president of the United Liberal Democrats, also was harsh on GNP. "GNP never apologized for driving the country to the brink of bankruptcy. Should they come to power, the nation will fall into pieces within 2 years."

Young-Chan Yoon yyc11@donga.com