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Reinforcement Work of Dam of Peace Likely to be Completed Earlier than Scheduled.

Reinforcement Work of Dam of Peace Likely to be Completed Earlier than Scheduled.

Posted June. 09, 2002 07:54,   


It`s highly likely that the reinforcement work of Dam of Peace will be completed more than one week ealier than originally scheduled.

"The construction scheduled to be finished by 20th of this month is going on faster than expected." , said Lim Tae-gyun who is in charch of this project. "We will be able to finish the concrete pavement work by about 15th, the first stage of lining work by 12th."

"With this pace, it`s also possible that the second stage of lining work will be completed far ahead of schedule, which is due on July 20th." Lim added. "Although North Korea has been leaking out water to control the water level of Geumgangsan Dam since 6.3, it`s not affected the construction work so far."

The reinforcement work of Dam of Peace began since the dam was thought to be vulnerable to collapse. The concern grew after the upper part of Geumgangsan Dam, which is located around the upper stream of Buk-han river, was found damaged this spring.

Now, the construction work is to withstand any strong current of water from North by paving the upper part of the dam with 70 centimeters thick, 12 meters wide concrete, and by piling up blocks of rock at the lower part of the dam.

Jae-Seong Hwang jsonhng@donga.com