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Don`t Get Mad, Argentina!

Posted June. 06, 2002 07:23,   


Uruguay`s President Jorge Batlle who criticized Argentina as a heaven for thieves flied to Argentina on June 4th to apologize to Argentina`s people. The president told at a TV interview with an American business channel Bloomberg on June 3rd that Uruguary has been influenced by Argentina`s economic crisis for years. He said, "All walks of life in Argentina are in corruption. Argentina is full of thieves" with anger. But he knew that he made a mistake and flied to Argentina right away. President Batlle apologized to Argentina`s President Eduardo Duhalde saying, "I made a critical mistake. I do not know what to do to make up to you and your people." He bowed deep towards Argentina`s people on TV. President Duhalde once got very angry over his behavior and demanded an official apology through a diplomatic channel, but accepted his sincere apology after seeing his tears saying, "Nobody is perfect and the two countries should closely cooperate with each other." President Duhalde was unexpectedly dealt a blow by President Batlle while running around to get additional loans from IMF to get over its economic crisis.

Jung-Ahn Kim credo@donga.com