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SKT Bus Alarming Service

Posted June. 03, 2002 23:33,   


Do not wait a bus endlessly. A service which locates whatever buses you want to ride will be soon introduced by SK Telecom. The company told on June 3rd that it would start the “Bus Alarming Service” which spots local buses within Seoul for bus users. The company decided to provide the service first for foreign hotel users at Pallace Hotel located in Seoul’s Gangnam area through a big-sized PDP TV. If a bus user connects his or her cell phone on to NATE, he or she will be able to know the nearest place for a bus and left number of bus stops from mid-June. The company plans to expand the service into limousine and airport limousine buses by July. It will provide customers with information telling what time they can arrive at a destination using local transportation analyzing tool in the latter half of this year.

Im-Sook Ha artemes@donga.com