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Only the Moment of Victory

Posted May. 31, 2002 08:52,   


Anonymous workers for World Cup Games are full of joy on the 30th, D-1 of World Cup Games, as their sweat becomes the fruit of the opening of the World Cup.

Kim Si-Hyung (35) an authorized architect for the Korean Organizing Committee for 2002 FIFA World Cup, who was responsible for securing the facilities of the 10 World Cup stadiums, is deeply moved.

“I felt dizzy, when the construction of infrastructure for advanced soccer came near to vanish, as public opinion pressured to cancel the building plan of Sangam World Cup stadium in Mapo-gu, Seoul not to mention reducing the construction of new stadiums due to the foreign exchange crisis after Korea’s hosting World Cup was decided.”

The cancellation of the construction of new stadiums was like a bolt from the blue for him, who had resigned from the post of authorized architect in a popular architecting company in November 1998, and joined the KOC.

“I’m proud of myself, even though I didn’t construct all these stadiums. I would forget every scene of hardworking at the moment of opening. I’m so excited just by figuring the scene of games in the stadium I sweated for.”

Preparing for the World Cup Games was a significant experience for Lee Eun-Hyung (45. housewife), who has volunteered for translator into Japanese at stadium and the propaganda booth in Sangam World Cup stadium for 2 years.

“A typical housewife became a social activist. I studied Japanese every night for perfect translation that I finally got a license, and became an international housewife by sending and receiving e-mail with Japanese friends with whom I did social services.”

Stressing that more volunteers are required for successful World Cup, Mrs. Lee pointed, “we citizens could do better than now. It is regrettable to leave garbage or to ignore public order.”

Kim Hong-Jun (31. office worker) member of Red Devils feels that he did something for World Cup whenever he saw people shouting rooter’s song and catchwords in the stadium or on the street. He used to cry out the rooter’s song as loudly as he could when Korea national team played.

“It was hard to root as few people without Red Devils rooted eagerly even early this year.”Mr. Kim, who became member of Red Devils after frequent contact with Red Devils on business in early 1998, is a soccer mania, who always carries the uniform of Korea national team and a soccer ball in his car.

He was so excited imagining the great outcry of `Dae Han Min Kuk clap clap clap clap clap, ` and `Oh Pil Seung Korea` over the Sangam stadium during the opening game.

Hidden workers who sweated preparing for World Cup said in a voice, “we’re so happy that we could participate in world festival. We hope that Korea is praised for successful World Cup Games.”

Min-Hyuk Park mhpark@donga.com