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Japan Didn`t Have Early-Middle or Paleolithic Period

Posted May. 27, 2002 08:49,   


Japanese press reported on 25th that Japanese Archaeology Association (JAA) made final decision that there was no early and middle Paleolithic era in human history of Japanese Islands.

JAA finally clarified the relics of Paleolithic period, which former vice-Chairman of Dohuku Paleolithic culture research institute, Huzimura Sinichi, who is the author of stir of fabricating relics of Paleolithic period, “it is impossible to treat as academic data”.

Thereby, human history of Japanese islands which retraced up to 700 thousand years ago stepped back to 40,000~50,000 years ago.

JAA consisted of special committee for investigating Paleolithic era in May, 2001, when suspicion on former vice-Chairman Huzimora for fabricating relics was raised, and has been investigating the truth of related relics.

Former vice-Chairman Huzimura was involved in excavating relics of Paleolithic period in 200 places in the nation, however, all relics of early and middle Paleolithic era is revealed not to be worth for academics.

Young-Ee Lee yes202@donga.com