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Taxi Strike Today in Succession with Metal-Hospital

Posted May. 24, 2002 08:42,   


2400 workers from 16 hospitals in nation, like Gangnam CMC, which belongs to National Health and Medical Worker`s Union(NHMWU) under KCTU and 5000 from National Health Insurance Medical Labor Union, enforced strike on 23rd, demanding negotiations by industry, etc.

NHMWU stated on 23rd “hospitals that didn`t reach an agreement went on a strike as company didn`t negotiate earnestly on demand such as reinforcement of making medical as public sector, achievement of negotiation by industry, securing manpower, making irregular workers regular, etc,”

Ministry of labor totalized that three hospitals like Gangnam CMC, Eumsung CMC and Ulsan hospital went on full–scale strike, and 13 hospitals like Hospital of Youngnam University, Hospital of Wonkwang University, and Uijungbu CMC hospital, etc went on partial strike.

12 hospitals like Gangnam CMC and Paik hospital among those went on illegal strike in spite of arbitration by Labor committee.

However, hospitals on strike has reduced a lot and most hospitals under strike also hosted meetings with workers on off-duty and leaders in union, therefore inconvenience of patients and severe fiasco in treatment was averted.

LOB said, “hospitals that are submitted to committee for arbitration are reluctant to go on illegal strike and are conscious of people`s critical sight before World cup, therefore, unions which went on strike were less” and “we will cope with members of unions who conducted illegal strike”.

On the other hand, Korean Federation Of Taxi Worker`s Union under KCTU held press conference on 23rd and insisted that 11,000 workers in 136 companies in nation will go on a strike from 24th at 04:00 A.M., if their request like complete monthly salary system is not accepted.

And, 9,000 workers in 33 metal labor unions and 1,300 workers of one Korea Chemical Textile Federation (KCTF) under KCTU carried out strike for 2~ 4 hours on 23rd, too, in succession with the previous day.

Participants in strike of Korea Metal Worker`s Federation (KMWF) and KCTF reduced by 6000 workers as compared to the previous day.

Jin Lee leej@donga.com