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Better `Concentration` Than Ever

Posted May. 11, 2002 09:11,   


∇Effects of Secret Strategy and Physical Training? = There is a consensus that although the session was not about some amazing set-play training, concentration has greatly improved. Coach Guus Hiddink, who is satisfied with the secret training’s outcomes, has included several unscheduled secret sessions, blocking reporters and fans for 4 times.

Physical trainer Verheyen said that he has raised training level, expecting more or less than 5 injured players, but defender Lee Min-Sung is the only one injured until now.

Hiddink seems quite content that less injury than expected `proves that the players’ stamina have improved`. As the players are able to follow the training without overstrain, tougher training can be carried out and this would lead to increase in physical capability.

∇Hiddink’s Secret Orders? = “Head up.” This is what Hiddink said the most during the 1-week training. His point is that in order to play out smart soccer, heads must be kept up to see the entire game’s flow. His orders were to think beforehand where the ball will go next after being passed, and to jump for the air ball after observing where other players are.

On the 10th, while there were only `the 3 veterans`, Hong Myung-Bo (33), Kim Tae-Young (32), and Choi Jin-Chul (31), and Hyun Young-Min, Lee Min-Sung was absent for 2 days due to thigh injury. What would be the reinforcement measures for defense? Hiddink is paying careful attention on the team’s defenders, so that they are not hurt. He is especially requesting Hong Myung-Bo and Choi Jin-Chul “not to overstrain”, whereas other players are encouraged that “little injury can happen during training”.
