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Anthrax Traces Found at U.S. FRB Building

Posted May. 11, 2002 09:07,   


Traces of anthrax were found again during the routine testing of mails at the office of U.S. central bank Federal Reserve Board (FRB). It is first time since December 6th last year that positive traces of anthrax were discovered from domestic mails.

FRB announced, “contract employees detected anthrax spores in small batches of mail totaling about 20 pieces at routine preliminary tests on the 7th and 8th. ”

Fed spokesman David Skidmore said, “ some of the mail was addressed to Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan as well as other officials, and have postmarks of April or May. ”

White House spokesman Ari Fleischer said that the source of the anthrax was not revealed yet, and it would take one week to examine the spores.

Meanwhile, following the explosion of pipe bombs in the mailboxes in the central areas of America, 4 privately made bombs in the mails exploded in Washington State on the 9th. These bombs were created by placing explosives in the plastic soft drink bottles different from the pipe bombs that were by the student arrested in Nevada on the 7th.

Ki-Heung Han eligius@donga.com