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[Editorial] Urgent Clarification Regarding 200,000 Dollars Suspicion

[Editorial] Urgent Clarification Regarding 200,000 Dollars Suspicion

Posted May. 10, 2002 08:47,   


The suspicion that Yun Yeo-jun, member of GNP received 200,000 dollars from Mr.Choi Gyu-sun, C.E.O of future city environment is raised by political attack of MDP; however, it is not the matter, which can be clarified in political world.

It is not right for the ruling party and the opposition to heat political attack by reaching to conclusion which is advantage to themselves, before result of prosecution`s investigation.

So far, offence and defense of the ruling party and the opposition were only hot and investigation was insufficient, however, the prosecution is showing attitude that seems to reach clarification of the truth and this issue is facing new aspect.

The prosecution is looking for evidence that can clarify the truth, by tracking into Mr. Choi`s e-mail address, and transaction and people close to him.

There can`t be discrimination between the ruling party and the opposition with regard to criminalization of politics.

Member Yun carried out hunger strike insisting that it is political pressure.

However, it can`t be approved by one-sided insistence or political attack.

Member Yun carried out hunger strike insisting that it is political pressure.

Member Yun, if confident, should co-operate with the prosecution aggressively to clarify the truth.

Suspicion of receiving 200,000 dollars by member Yun, following the truth, can hurt deeply the party as well as himself.

The prosecution that investigates sensitive matter in politics should confront in neutral stance and wind up quickly as it is an important matter.

However, leaking unripened information by the prosecution is behavior that is suspected in its fairness.

The procedure and method of investigation is important as much as the result of the investigation.

If it gives impression that it colludes with MDP, member Yun or GNP would find difficult to obey the result of investigation.

Member Sul-hoon of MDP was criticized, that it was irresponsible exposure, as he couldn`t show recorded tape which he promised.

Apart from clarification of the truth of this issue, the truth how member Sul received such information should be also revealed.

If member Sul received the information through NIS or investigative organization,

it is crucial matter not inferior to suspicion of receiving 200,000 dollars.