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UN Adopted `Rights Charter` … U.S. Refused

Posted May. 10, 2002 09:01,   


Nearly 400 youngsters adopted a statement that urges world leaders to make the world fit for children at UN Children’s summit on the 8th(dawn of the 9th by Korean Time).

After three days’ discussion, they adopted a message that calls for `the protection of children from poverty, disease and wars, ` and read it to around 3,000 persons including the summits and delegations from 189 countries and the representatives of non-governmental institutions at the opening of General Assembly on children.

Gabriela Azurudy Arrieta (13. Girl. Bolivia) and Audrey Cheynut (17. Girl. Monaco) urged General Assembly to follow the Charter of Children Rights adopted in 1989, saying, “ the world fit for us is a world fit for everyone. ”

191 U. N. members except U.S. and Somalia ratified the Children Rights Charter. U.S. signed for the Charter, but it doesn’t request National Congress to ratify it, as the Charter sets limits to the rights of parents, and contradicts domestic laws.

Child representatives pointed, “children are the victims of exploitation and abuse, lost their parents from wars and HIV, and are denied good quality education and health care. ”

And they stressed, “children are not the cause of the problems but the resource for settling the problems, not the cost but the investment. Adults call us the `future`, but we are also the `present`. ”

They declared, “the time has come to admit the existence of children. We will fight for the rights of living in the healthy and safe environment till adults accept the duty for us. ”

Before the reading of the message, UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan admitted the failure of making the environment good for children in his keynote address.
