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Byung-Hyun Scores 3 Consecutive Strikeouts, 8 Saves

Posted May. 07, 2002 09:13,   


Kim Byung-Hyun (23.Arizona Diamondbacks) recorded the season’s 8th save by scoring consecutive strikeouts against 3 batters.

Arizona’s home game against Montreal Expos took place at Bank One Ballpark Stadium on the 6th. Kim stood on the mound in the 9th inning, as the team was leading by 5-2, and stroke out Montreal’s left-batting line of Schneider, Wilkerson, and Rodriguez. He pitched for 5 days in a row, and recorded no loss point in all 6 matches.

As Kim earned his 8th save in the season, his name was placed 8th on the National League’s relief list. There are only 6 players, including him, who recorded `perfect save` without a single failure. However, Kim’s ERA (0.53) and the number of strikeouts per inning (1.76) surpass over other pitchers. He scored strikeouts in all 14 matches in this year, and totaled up to 30 to be the best among the relief pitchers. His number of strikeouts per 9th inning is 15.9, which is the Major League’s No.1.

His recent pace, especially, is surprising. He pitched for 5 days in a row for the first time since the debut in the Major League, and won 3 saves showing off `iron wall` pitching that only allowed 2 four-balls and 1 hit after claiming 11 strikeouts.

Arizona’s manager Bob Brenly, who used to have mixed feelings about Kim at the season’s beginning, now seems to have full trust on him, regardless of against left or right-handed batters. Even in the day’s game, Kim proved that he has no `left hand jinx` by striking out all 3 left-handed batters.

Although the coaching staff commanded to “rest for one day”, Kim volunteered to pitch saying that he “can do it”. After the game, he cheerfully said, “I’m not tired at all.”

Sang-Soo Kim ssoo@donga.com