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“Developing Vaccine for Curing Cancer Is Possible”

Posted May. 04, 2002 09:07,   


“I am studying the reasons why the one who has immunity from encephalitis virus can`t have immunity from AIDS virus. If it is revealed, developing vaccine for each cancer can be available”.

Rolf Zinkernagel (58) Chief of Clinical Immunity Research Institute of Switzerland Zurich University, who won the Nobel Biological medicine prize in 1996 for achievement of clarifying the reasons how human immune body recognizes infected cells by virus, came to Korea on invitation of Korea Medical Association on 3rd.

Chief Zinkernagel had a seminar on the subject of `infection of virus and human immune system` at Assem hall, Coex in Samsung-dong, Gangnam-gu, and Seoul on 3rd.

He said at the seminar, “healing through immunity is two ways. In case of each cancer, we should reinforce immunity power, on the contrary, in case of an auto-immune disease like rheumatism, we should control immunity power” and “it is important for healing through immunity to balance increasing immunity and controlling immunity from now on”.

Chief Zinkernagel won the Nobel Prize in 1970s for revealing the course how T-cells, a kind of white corpuscles destroy infected cells by virus, studying mice as subject.

Chief Zinkernagel gets evaluation that he enabled developing vaccine with regard to cancer or auto-immune disease based on this research.

Jin-Han Lee likeday@donga.com