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U.S. Regained Its Seat in U.N. Commission of Human Rights

U.S. Regained Its Seat in U.N. Commission of Human Rights

Posted May. 01, 2002 08:45,   


United States returned to primary U.N. Human Rights body after one year’s absence. United Nations Economic and Social Council elected U.S. one of 53 members of Human Rights at the ballot on the 29th.

U.S. has made behind-the-scenes lobby to regain the seat in the Commission after it was kicked out from the Commission in May, 2001, as George W Bush administration pursued it own interests ignoring tradition and rules in international relations by △withdrawing itself from Kyoto climate change treaty, △building a National Missile Defense system, and △refusing to ratify the treaty creating an International Criminal Court.

U.S., Australia, Germany, and Ireland were slated for the members from 2003 till 2005 representing the West European and Others Group without contesting, as Italy and Spain had pulled out. New York Times reported on the 30th that western countries had been working behind the scenes to allocate their seats and avoid an unexpected outcome like the one last year.

The Commission of Human Rights, which makes researches and adopts resolutions on human rights, was founded in 1947, and one third of full members are replaced after completing their 3-year term. Korea has been a member since 1993.
