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Increasing Complaints about Excessive Charge of Communication Firms

Increasing Complaints about Excessive Charge of Communication Firms

Posted April. 25, 2002 09:08,   


Telephone subscribers are complaining that communication companies charge excessive rate or charge for undone services.

Communication Committee announced on the 24th that complaints about unfair rate took 313 cases or 25.4 percent out of total 1232 complaints listed at the communication grievance organization.

And the complaints about prior choice of long distance call line numbered 248(20.1 percent), illegal enlisting in services 178(14.4 percent), and service quality 114 (9.3 percent).

Especially complaints about unfair fee increased almost double from 164 cases last year that consumer protection measures are needed urgently. While complaints about illegal enlisting in paid services and prior choice of long distance call line increased, decreased the complaints about illegal use of other`s name, subscription of minors, violation of the duty of declaration, and delayed process.

By the companies, the complaints about mobile phone numbered 282(46.9 percent) against KTF, 210(34.9 percent) against SK Telecom, and 109(18.2 percent) against LG Telecom.

About wire telephone, Onse Telecom got most complaints of 174 cases (53.7 percent), and Dacom 78 cases (24.1 percent), and KT 66 cases (20.4 percent).

In addition, the complaints about high-speed Internet service numbered 62(32 percent) against Thrunet, 58(29.9 percent) against KT, and 33(17 percent) against Hanaro Telecom.

Victims of unfair communication service can get help by informing to Communication Committee through phone (02-750-1788,9), fax (02-750-1787), or Internet (www.kcc.go.kr).

Tae-Han Kim freewill@donga.com