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“ We Will Promote Independent Five Day Work System”

Posted April. 24, 2002 09:20,   


Korean Trade Union (KTU) and some public labor unions under Korean confederation of Trade Union (KCTU) decided to pursue quick legislation of five day work system amid negotiation of committee for labor, company and government (CLCG) on the above, which is not being promoted currently.

Bae Il-do, chief of the Korean sub railway Union (KSU) stated on 23rd, “ KTU, Confederation of comprehensive managers (COCM) and labor ministry that participates in CLCG should reach to conclusion on five day work system as soon as possible and hand it over to National Assembly” and “ as it is seeking opinion from other public unions, participation of unions will increase”.

KSU presented that it will execute five day work system independently by group negotiation this year, if CLCG can`t negotiate.

KSU said, “ we decided not to reduce payment in case of starting five day work system in the staff meeting 2001”.

It follows confederation of finance union under KTU which said to promote five day work system independently if CLCG doesn`t negotiate by the end of this month.

However, KCTU said, “ we are trying to introduce five day work system which doesn`t give disadvantage to labors in minor companies and irregular labors, and its direction is different from public unions like KSU in pursuing legislation”.

Jin Lee leej@donga.com