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Political Disclosure War Heating Up

Posted April. 22, 2002 09:15,   


Former president of the Grand National Party (GNP) Lee Hoe-Chang denounced on April 21 the claim of Rep. Sul Hoon of the Millennium Democratic Party (MDP) that Lee had received 250 million Won from Choi Kyu-Sun through GNP Rep. Yoon Yeo-Joon who is a close associate of Lee, as a fabrication scheme of the ruling camp, and declared that he would not hesitate launching `regime ousting campaign.`

In response to this, MDP claimed again, `All the dust will be settled when the tape recorded conversation between Choi and Rep. Yoon is revealed,` thereby leading to an extreme confrontational state between the ruling and opposition camps.

Reaction of GNP: Former GNP president Lee declared in an emergence press briefing, `We cannot but consider there is a fabrication scheme if Rep. Sul backs down without submitting the evidence immediately, and then this regime will be finished, ` and claimed, `People should reject the management of state affairs of the current regime.`

He added also, `The daily slandering and bashing in a time the presidential nominee of the opposition party is being selected means that the president has no will for fair election,` and asked, `Apart from whether a person Lee Hoe-Chang buried or not, how can we let the ruling camp take the responsibility of the state affairs under this condition?`

GNP floor leader Lee Jae-Oh warned, `An impeachment motion against the president Kim will be started when a parliamentary investigative probe, TV hearing, and special independent council on the irregularities scandals of the president`s three sons are not adapted until the time of the outdoor demonstration to be held on April 26 at Yoido Park in Seoul.`

Then he demanded the firing of the chief of the National Police Agency (NPA) Lee Pal-Ho to the minister of the Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs (MOGAHA) Lee Kuen-Sik in relation to the runaway of former director of the special investigation division of the NPA Choi Seong-Kyu, and said the firing recommendation resolution against Minister Lee will be submitted to the National Assembly when the demand is not met.`

Response of MDP: Rep. Sul Hoon said in a telephone conversation with a reporter, `The witness who has an audio tape of the conversation between Mr. Choi and Rep. Yoon is hesitating to reveal the tape, so I am now persuading him,` and added, `When the witness allows it, the tape will be revealed right away, and in earliest date, the revelation is possible on April 22.`

Deputy MDP spokesperson Lee Myoung-Sik raised again the suspicion with a remark, `Rep. Yoon Yeo-Joon is continuously silent on what is discussed and on what is given and taken even though he admits meeting Mr. Choi several times.`

In-Soo Song issong@donga.com · Hyung-Kwon Pu bookum90@donga.com