Posted April. 17, 2002 09:03,
A free web site was established so that juveniles could make use of high quality science, information, and communication programs with ease on the on-line.
Young Astronauts Korea opened Crest (, a site providing on-line information, communication, and science activities, under the provision of the Ministry of Information and Communication (MIC) on the 15th.
This site is designed to help juveniles have the ability of systematically and creatively solving problems, which is the basis of IT field, and further to encourage them to have the ability of utilizing the knowledge they need.
Crest is the web-based educational program provided with the space in which a teacher and students can study IT and science, the space where students can create their own Internet newspaper after collecting information for given subject, and the space where students can down load interesting programs that the Young Astronauts Korea have used for those 10 years. Anyone who became the member of this site can use all contents of this site. Joining is free. 02-739-6369