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Breaking Long Silence, Gore Harshly Criticized Bush Administration

Breaking Long Silence, Gore Harshly Criticized Bush Administration

Posted April. 15, 2002 09:23,   


Former Vice President of the U.S. Al Gore returned to the politics breaking his long silence after the 2000 presidential campaign.

Mr. Gore attended on 13th at the Florida Democratic Convention, in Orlando, where the acrimonious 36-day standoff over the counting of votes against Mr. Bush, and forcefully took on President Bush`s policies on the economy and environment.

Mr. Gore said, “I am tired of this right-wing sidewind. This administration is following the same pattern: selling out America`s future in return for short-term political gains.” He criticized that, “America`s economy is suffering unnecessarily. Important American values are being trampled. Special interests are calling the shots.” However, he announced that he will cooperate for the security issue.

While Gore said that, “Whoever becomes the Democratic presidential candidate for the 2004 campaign, we will win and Florida will be the place to make that change,” he did not declare that he was running.

The U.S. media analyze that, although Gore is a strong Democratic candidate for the 2004 election, it is not yet sure for him to become its presidential candidate because there is a strong criticism that Mr. Gore did not aggressively battle the Republicans during the campaign and recount and there are several White House hopefuls in the party.

Ki-Heung Han eligius@donga.com