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Fat Person Confronts More Danger at Car Accident

Posted April. 10, 2002 09:13,   


Fat persons are likely to die or be injured easily in a car accident.

Dr. Charles N. Mock from U.S. `Harborview Injury Prevention and Research Center` announced in the latest `Accident Analysis & Prevention` that overweighed persons get more danger in a motor vehicle crash.

The research team examined 26,000 persons injured in motor vehicle crashes, and found out that the death rate of the person weighs 100 to 119 kg is 2.5 times more than one less than 60 kg.

By body mass index (BMI, dividing weight with the square of height), the person whose BMI is 35 to 39 is 2 times more liable to die than the person of BMI 20. BMI over 30 means overweighing.

Dr. Mock pointed that the reason why the person overweighing dies more is not concrete, but current vehicle safety design is adjusted to the standard weight. Dr. Mock insisted, “the weight of the dummy used at the car crash test is adjusted at 78kg, but it is required to increase the weight in order to lessen the danger for the overweighing persons. ”
