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Korea- Japan Signs Treaty for Extradition of Criminals.

Posted April. 09, 2002 09:13,   


Justice minister Song Jung- ho and Japanese Justice minister Moriyana Mayumi had conference at Gwacheon government building on 8th in the morning and agreed for the treaty to come into effect before the opening of World cup by singing on the treaty of extradition of criminals between the two nations.

Also, two Justice Ministers agreed that people of two nations can enter each country after immigration check from the departed place without visa for 47 days from 12th of May to 30th June in order to organize World cup successfully.

In this conference, they decided to proceed with the ratification quickly regarding Korea-Japan treaty for extradition of criminals and to hold working level conference within May to determine the time of efficacy.

The Justice ministry concerned stated, “ two Justice Ministries agreed to expand exchange of people in Justice, prosecution and related data for the sake of Joint research and investigation”.

Minister Song requested the support from Japanese government with regards to the third anti- corruption international Forum and the eleventh anti-corruption international meeting that would be held at Seoul, in the year 2003, and Japanese minister Moriyama gave affirmative answer on this, delivered ministry of Justice.

Myoung-Gun Lee gun43@donga.com