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Manufacture And Constructing Sectors Raise Employment

Posted April. 06, 2002 09:08,   


With economic recovery, the condition of employment is likely to get better, as companies expand employing in the second quarter (April to June).

The Ministry of Labor announced on the 5th that business survey index (BSI) for future employment reached 114.2, which is the highest since 1999, when it researched 4501 companies, which have more than 5 employees, for the prospect on the employment in the second quarter.

BSI for future employment gauges the variation of employees comparing to the former quarter, and the index over 100 means favorable turn, 100 steady, and less than 100 shrinking. The Ministry of Labor regularly checks the BSI for future employment by surveying 4629 sample companies, which have over 5 employees.

BSI by industries was in order of △manufacture 121.4 △construction 120.8 △restaurant and lodging 118.1, and that by the scale of company was highest at the company whose employees number 100 to 299(121.9).

The companies whose employment is likely to increase from the 1st quarter numbered 1041(23.1 percent), while those to decrease 404(9.0 percent).

The ratio of the companies, which marked at `will employ labors this quarter` was 30.9 percent (1390 companies), highest since 1999, increased by 21.5 percent from the previous quarter.

The ratio of recruiting plan by industries was high at manufacture (41.2 percent) and low at finance (16.4 percent).

The Ministry of Labor said, “the ratio of recruiting plan by the scale of companies was 46.3 percent at the companies of 300 to 499 employees, and 41.6 percent at those of over 500 employees. Generally, the companies of over 100 employees are anticipated to lead employment with average ratio over 40 percent.”

Meanwhile, the companies, which answered they are `short of labors, ` were 21.0 percent increased by 15.1 percent. 31.9 percent (22.2 percent in the previous quarter) of manufacturing companies checked at `wanting labors, ` which shows the shortage of labors as economy is recovering.

Jin Lee leej@donga.com