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Be Careful While Managing CSAT

Posted April. 02, 2002 11:39,   


To adjust the degree of difficulty of College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT) shouldn`t be repeated, especially in this academic year.

CSAT was set too easy two years ago; on the contrary it was set too difficult last year, therefore, it caused big confusion in the entrance examination of the university.

It is unreasonable for important examinations, which the nation executes, to lose direction like this.

It is the very CSAT that is directly connected to student`s future and influences school`s education in a big way.

Although plan for CSAT this year was announced the day before yesterday, however, it is difficult to predict the examination`s difficulty level.

As Korea Institute of Curriculum and Evaluation (KICE) side, which is in charge of conducting the examination stated, “ Verbal and Mathematics sections in last year CSAT, failed to adjust the degree of difficulty”, therefore it is estimated to be easier than last year.

CSAT this year should be set on the basis of this principle and KICE should do its best to adjust the degree of difficulty so that it can get discretion according to grade.

If education authorities utilize it`s know how, accumulated through managing CSAT, there is no reason for not adjusting the degree of difficulty.

If it fails this year too, strict measures should be followed.