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Controversies on Suspected Corruption Cases

Posted April. 01, 2002 08:49,   


Anti-Corruption Committee (ACC) under the President (chairperson Kang Chul-Gyu) bought about controversies by filing lawsuits against former and incumbent government officials and releasing their suspicions without hearing explanations of the related persons or precise verifications.

Chairperson Kang held a press conference at the Anti-Corruption Committee office on 30th and announced, “the Committee filed lawsuits against three high officials who were accused for the charged of corruption cases after having verification process.” It is the first time for the Committee filed lawsuits against high government officials since its launch on January 25th.

ACC revealed that Mr. A, who is a Minister-level government official, had received bribes and entertainments of 10 million won in relation to the promotions of his subordinate officials since 1996.

Mr. B, an incumbent high prosecutor, is known to have received bribes and entertainments from businesspersons and gave a carpet cost about 10 million won to a minister level official Mr. C. for the solicitation of his promotion in 1996.

However, it is known that ACC has not provided the suspects with a chance to explain in the process of the verification and filed lawsuits based on the testimonies of the whistle blowers.

Mr. A explained that “one of my subordinates came to my house and left an imported liquor and 2 million won cash behind in 1999, and I let my wife to return them. The subordinate was dismissed against his wish at the end of January. I think he made a false accusation because of it. ACC dishonored me by spreading such false accusation without giving a chance to explain the situation.”

Mr. B and C also refuted the accusations, saying “the accusations are groundless and absurd. ACC filed lawsuits based on the reports of the business person who had been imprisoned twice, without giving me a chance to explain.”

Meanwhile, the Public Prosecution is reviewing the files and planning to assign the cases to the Inspection Bureau or Seoul District Prosecution`s Special Investigation Bureau. The Public Prosecution has responsibility to report the investigation report to ACC and, if it does not indict the suspects in 3 months from the date of accusation, ACC can request for a review of the case to a high court.

Soo-Hyung Lee sooh@donga.com · Dong-Ki Sung esprit@donga.com