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Rhee In-Je Side Demands for Fair Primary

Posted March. 27, 2002 09:12,   


Candidate Rhee In-Je side of the Millennium Democratic Party (MDP) raised the matter of `plotting` in order to boost candidate Roh Moo-Hyun on 26th and demanded special measures for securing fair primary like arranging people close to the President.

Therefore, the primary in which people joined for selecting presidential candidate of MDP is facing severe crisis.

Spokesman Kim Yoon-Su belonging to candidate Rhee side said, “ we will suggest epoch-making measures for securing fair primary, and if it is accepted we will participate in the primary”

It meant that in case of not being accepted, he will withdraw his nomination from the election of primary.

Spokesman Kim replied on questions of reporters asking “did you suggest to Cheong Wa Dae? Is withdrawal of Park Jie- Won, spokesman of presidential policy included? ”, saying, “ it is estimated so”.

It is reported that candidate Rhee said, “if the primary that is flower of democracy is planned by the closest to the President and goes by his intentions, it is a frontline challenge to Democracy and destructive behavior¡° and “ we will strictly respond”.

Candidate Rhee has suspended the schedule for visiting South Gyeong Sang province and has started discussions, staying in his house located in Jegok-dong, Gangnam-gu, and Seoul.

Candidate Rhee side announced official absence from TV debate, which was to be held under co-auspices of Chang-won KBS and Ma-San MBC.

On the other hand, candidate Roh Moo-hyun said, “ I hope that candidate Rhee would judge carefully” and candidate Chung Dong-Young requested Rhee I.J`s self control saying, “ tripartite competition with candidate Rhee and candidate Roh should proceed till the end”.

Young-Chan Yoon yyc11@donga.com · Hyung-Kwon Pu bookum90@donga.com