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KEPCO Started Dismissals of Non-returned Workers

Posted March. 26, 2002 09:57,   


The government and five subsidiary companies of the Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) reconfirmed their principle of dismissal of all unionists who failed to return to work. Thus the nation`s biggest layoff case is likely to happen.

Therefore, there is a possibility of a limited power supply after June, the high-demand season for power.

The government reconfirmed its hard line policy to the non-returned striking workers of the power plant industry at an emergency labor-related ministerial meeting, which was conducted by Prime Minister Lee Han-Dong, on 25th.

The chief executives of the KEPCO`s five subsidiary companies also announced that, “Besides 197 workers who have been dismissed, the companies started the dismissal process for the all unionists who failed to show up at their workplaces by Monday 9 a.m.,” in a press conference at Gwacheon government building, yesterday. Only 1,679 workers, 30 percent of the 5,591 unionists, returned to work by the companies` deadline of 9 a.m. yesterday. But the companies said that about 700 workers newly returned to work on 25th, and it is estimated that about 2,400 workers have returned.

The chief executives said, “Returning by April 15th, if workers proves that they could not return to work against their wills, we will treat them as well as possible.” It means that they extended the deadline. Therefore, the dismissals will begin in the middle of next month. The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy (MCIE) and the five electric power companies announced that among their 154 electric generators 18 are not operated due to the strike. They prepared measures for the power-demand season, after June, such as △ employing experienced workers △ additional putting of military technicians △ putting the workers of the power-related industries. The MCIE revealed that, “If the power reserve ratio is sharply reduced, the government will consider measures of limit power supply and restriction of power use in certain entertainment and leisure businesses.” However, the union leaders insisted that, “The union`s anger reached to the limit because the companies had asked the intervention of the public power and had announced the number of expected dismissal workers. We are asking the government and companies to stop the confrontation phase and to start a negotiation without any strings,” in a news conference at Myungdong Catholic Church, on 25th.

Ja-Ryong Koo bonhong@donga.com · Jin Lee leej@donga.com