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Car Explosion Near U.S Embassy in Peru

Posted March. 22, 2002 08:50,   


Six people were killed and many injured in a car bomb explosion near U.S. embassy in Lima, Peru on 20th night at 10:45 P.M (KST, 21st), stated Fernando Rospigliosi, Interior Minister of Peru.

This car bomb explosion has taken place ahead of President George. W.Bush`s visit to Peru on 23rd.

T.V reported that 9 people were killed while no group has claimed responsibility for the explosion.

Radio broadcasting delivered that minimum 4 dead bodies besides one kid who wore roller skates, were recovered from the spot.

The explosion took place in front of `Elpolo` shopping center in Ramolina, which is a densely populated area consisting of night theaters and restaurants, one hotel and bank opposite U.S embassy were damaged, and 3 cars also caught fire.

U.S. embassy which is quite far from the spot, hasn`t received any external damage, delivered local press.

However, 150 leftists protested near U.S embassy on 19th against President Bush visit.