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You Jong-Keun to Secede from MDP And Give up the Race for Presidential Nomination of MDP

You Jong-Keun to Secede from MDP And Give up the Race for Presidential Nomination of MDP

Posted March. 15, 2002 08:23,   


Governor of north Jeolla You Jong-Keun of Millennium Democratic Party (MDP) announced on the 14th to secede from MDP and to withdraw from the presidential nomination race.

Governor You called newsmen to his race headquarter at Yoido, Seoul, and he expressed his intention to withdraw from the presidential nomination race, and complained about the recent investigation of the Prosecution on him by saying, “participating in the race for presidential nomination, I has been suffered from various kinds of pressure. ”

He insisted, “I criticized the government for some wrong economic policies from all sincerity so far. But after that, I was suffered from political stabs along with threat and conciliation of actual powers. ”

With the withdrawal of governor You, the presidential nomination race of MDP became the competition among 5 candidates of Rhee In-Je, Roh Moo-Hyun, Hahn Hwa-Kap, Kim Joong-Kwon and Chung Dong-Young. The 38 votes that governor You got at the competition in Jeju and Ulsan will become null.

Young-Hae Choi yhchoi65@donga.com