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A Executive Prosecutor Was Notified to Appear

Posted March. 15, 2002 08:20,   


Special Prosecutor team on `Lee Yong-Ho Gate` on the 14th notified an executive prosecutor to appear at special team. The prosecutor is high prosecutors office head level and is suspected to have leaked the information about the investigation of Supreme Public Prosecutors Office to Lee Soo-Dong former standing executive of the Peace Foundation for the Asia-Pacific Region when he worked as the head of Seoul District Prosecutors Office in early November last year.

Special prosecutors team is likely to investigate the executive prosecutor whether he informed Lee Soo-Dong that the Supreme Public Prosecutors Office was investigating the fact that Lee Soo-Dong had received 50 million won from Lee Yong-Ho, and whether Prosecutors Office concealed the fact.

Special prosecutors team plans to probe the suspicion that executives of the prosecution systematically concealed and fabricated Lee Soo-Dong and the Peace Foundation`s involving.

Previously, special team analyzed the communication record of two cellular phones and telephones at Lee Soo-Dong`s house and office, and found out that the executive prosecutor had phoned Lee Soo-Dong 126 times from January to February last year, and frequently communicated with Lee Soo-Dong early November last year, and requested the Supreme Public Prosecutors Office to summon him.

But the executive prosecutor explained to some press saying, “though I telephoned him, I have never told him to `prepare yourself` as I was not ranked high enough to know the information about the investigation. ”

Wi-Yong Jung viyonz@donga.com · myzodan@donga.com