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Home Nursery System Will Be Introduced Next Year

Posted March. 07, 2002 09:28,   


From July 2003, home nursery system that a certified person cares a few neighboring children (0-2 ages) will be introduced. And the maximum guideline for the childcare fee will be abolished and decided by the local governments autonomously.

The government announced the `nursery business actualization plan` including such measures on 6th.

The government will officially implement the home nursery system that householders take care of babies (0-2 ages) to supplement the nursery facilities. The government will support the low incomers who send their children to registered home nurseries with nursery payments.

For the private nursery facilities, the government will abolish the maximum guideline for fees and allow the local governments to decide the fees and to make a difference between the public and private facilities.

In addition, the government will allow to operate small nursery facilities under 5 people from the current standard over 30 children for the baby care facilities in order for dual-income families. The government is also planning to build more nursery facilities around the industrial or hospital areas where the institutions are operating triple shifts through a day.

In addition, the government will expand the support with the wages for teachers to the nursery facilities especially for babies and the handicapped.

The government is planning to revise the related laws such as the Babycare act and Employment insurance act at the extraordinary session of the National Assembly in June and will implement possible measures from the second half of this year. Meanwhile, the government decided to expand the budget for the nursery from 435.5 billion won to 488.3 billion won this year.

Jin Lee leej@donga.com