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Indian Religious Conflicts Will Spread to Northern Area

Posted March. 05, 2002 09:18,   


The bloodshed conflict between Hindus and Islams, which was started in the western Gujarat state in India, on Feb. 27th, is likely to spread to the northern Uttar Pradesh state, a densely populated state. Thus, the authorities are tensely watching the situation.

The Uttar Pradesh state police announced that a Islam peddler was killed by a weapon while followers of both faiths threw stones at each other on Sunday and 2 people died in clashes on Saturday. In order to prevent an additional bloodshed violence, the authorities of the Uttar Pradesh state deployed some 2,000 paramilitary troops to enforce a curfew in Aligarh and prohibited a gathering of more than 4 people.

Uttar Pradesh has a population of 190 million and several millions are Islam followers. In Uttar Pradesh, there had been religious conflicts in many cities, including Aligarh.

Meanwhile, the bloodshed has continued in Gujarat. Four Islams were burned alive, and police shot to death six people on Sunday. While police reported the death of 538 people until yesterday, the opposition party claimed over 800 deaths.

This Hindu-Islam conflict is the biggest one since the Mumbai riot in 1993 where 800 people died.