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“Funny Bush¡”

Posted March. 01, 2002 10:27,   


“Returning of normality from the shock of Sept. 11 terrorism, Americans are about to be reintroduced to the George W. Bush they once knew. And the White House is distinctly unhappy about the prospect.”

U.K. Financial Times (FT) announced on the 28th that the release of a book and documentary film on Mr. Bush`s 2000 presidential election might remind people of the real side of Mr. Bush who was transformed into a serious war leader overnight.

Next week `Journeys With George` by Alexandra Pelosi, a producer for NBC, who spent 18 documenting the tale of Mr. Bush, is to premiere at the Austin Film Festival. Frank Bruni, a New York Times reporter is to publish an account of Mr. Bush titled Ambling Into History.

FT says in these two works comes Mr. Bush whose tortured syntax and undergraduate taste in humor led many to question whether he had the character for the top job.

In one scene, Mr. Bush waded into a party of reporters, and said, “these are my people. It takes an animal to know an animal. ” And he hurriedly added, “I`m not admitting I`m an animal with 60 days to go in the campaign. ”And Present Bush frequently use improper words like `make the pie higher` instead of `larger, ` and `tree man` to the personnel of Forestry Office. In the documentary film, he is shown pulling faces at the camera, donning an airline blindfold like a child. Fretting that the book and film may undermine the Olympian political status Mr. Bush has enjoyed in the past six months, White House criticized that Mr. Pelosi had broken a pledge that the film would never be shown publicly and that his mother is the second-ranking Democrat in the House of Representatives.

But both Bruni and Pelosi answered that the “lain man” quality may enhance the popularity of President Bush.

Eun-Taek Hong euntack@donga.com