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Arrangement of 4 Step Measures for Easing Tension in Korean Peninsula

Arrangement of 4 Step Measures for Easing Tension in Korean Peninsula

Posted February. 28, 2002 10:33,   


Two countries Korea-U.S presented on 27th the arrangement of 4 step measures to ease tension in the Korean Peninsula such as reduction of military threat, armaments, systemization of peace setup, besides Confidence Building Measures (CBM) of North- South.

Ministry of Defence (MOD) reported like this and stated, “we inaugurated co-research team for relaxing tension in Korean peninsula, with U.S army headquarters in Korea, U.N. Military H.Q, and United H.O of the Korea-U.S, last June after defense minister’s conference between Korea-U.S, and recently first step of CBM research is finished”.

In addition MOD said, “both countries Korea-U.S negotiated to proceed steadily co-research in connection with measures to settle down peace setup legally, armament matters like limit of military expenditure, reduction of military threat in Korean peninsula including the matter of North Korea’s rearrangement of long term artillery which was arranged in the front, besides CBM”.

As co-research of CBM is finished, it is forecasted that Korea-U.S will promote policy on North on its basis, in case the dialogue or contact with North Korea restarts.

High official of MOD explained, “As two countries Korea-U.S researched together, the whole course of relaxing tension in Korean Peninsula by CBM to systemization of peace setup, can be reflected even though North Korea chooses one of the countries that is South or U.S. for dialogue.”

He added, “the matter of the North`s conventional Weapon`s arrangement retreat, which become a high issue after speech of U.S. President, will be discussed after arranging basic CBM between the north and the south”.

Tomas Suwaz, U.S Military Head Quarter General in Korea, reported to George. W. Bush, President of U.S. during his visit (19~21th) regarding such CBM and President Bush stated his interest, saying, “it is excellent measures. I hope it will proceed well”

Also, these measures were reported to U.S. Ministry of Defense and Ministry of State recently, and General Suwaz will report in America Congress personally.

Dong-Ki Sung esprit@donga.com