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Grills on Lobby through FSC of Lee Soo-Dong

Posted February. 26, 2002 10:14,   


The Special Prosecutor team (SP) summoned Lee Soo-Dong, former standing executive of the Kim Dae-Jung Peace Foundation For Asian Pacific Region (KDJPF), to investigate why he received 50 million won from Lee Yong-Ho and whether he lobbied through FSC for an affiliated company of G&G.

SP summoned Do Seung-Hee, who delivered money to Lee S.D., to question why he testified that Lee Y.H. solicited Mr. Kim side for covering up the investigation of Financial Supervisory Commission on the stock price manipulation.

Mr. Do said to the press reporters, ¡°Lee Yong-Ho met with Kim Yong-Jae, then assistant Vice Commissioner of FSC, to ask him to deal adequately not only with the case of stock price manipulation of Interpion but also with other affiliates of G&G.¡°

Mr. Do also said, ¡°Professor Hwang, then secretary general of KDJPF arranged a meeting of Mr. Kim and Mr. Lee Yong-Ho by the order of Lee Soo-Dong in 1999 and after Mr. Lee Y.H. solicited for the stock price manipulation case, a brother of Mr. Kim was hired as a managing director.¡°

Therefore, SP is expanding its investigation, judging that Mr. Kim was involved in the stock price manipulation of SamaeIndus and probably had to accept the request of Lee Y.H.

SP will request for Mr. Lee`s arrest warrant if the 50 million won that Mr. Lee S.D. received turns out a reward through a cross examination of Lee S.D.-Do S.H.-Prof. Hwang.

However, Prof. Hwang argued yesterday before having an investigation by SP, ¡°There was no need to introduce them since Lee Soo-Dong and Mr. Kim knew each other. And I did not arrange a meeting for Lee Y.H. and Mr. Kim.¡°

Lee Soo-Dong stated that ¡°Mr. Do directly visited Prof. Hwang and requested for a meeting with Mr. Kim. He received money from Lee Y.H. but did not take any solicitation.¡°

SP is also re-examining the investigation record to find out whether high ranking official of the Prosecution exerted an influence on the decision to issue an information against Lee Y.H. in March 2000.

viyonz@donga.com · myzodan@donga.com