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90 Election Illegalities Disclosed

Posted February. 22, 2002 09:27,   


The police disclosed piles of election illegalities that distributed money and illegal prints to electors before and after lunar New Year’s Day. The Police Agency announced on the 21st that it had controlled illegal election campaigns of to be candidates of local elections for 20 days from January 29th to February 17th, and disclosed and is investigating 90 persons for 81 cases.

According to the police, Mr. K, who is to be a candidate for a member of Jeongseon-gun Gangwon province assembly, is suspected that he provided meat and fruit for a feast for aged persons in a town of Jeongseon-gun on the 30th last month, and requested support.

And the suspicion of Mr. P, who is to be a candidate for the governor of Cheongwon-gun in Chungbuk, is that he treated 15 village headmen of Cheongwon-gun to meals and wine and gave 500,000 won to each present in a restaurant of Cheongju City in Chungbuk on the 4th.

By sorting disclosed election illegalities, the most cases are offering money and banquet with 48 persons(53.3 percent) and later △ distributing illegal prints 18 persons(20 percent), △ slander against other candidates 10 persons(11.1 percent), △ disturbing election and visiting from door to door 2 persons for each (2.2 percent) and △ others 9 persons(10 percent).

The Police plan to increase the election illegalities squad presently consisting of 1574 persons, and intensively disclose the illegal election campaign on the cyber space using 650 cyber investigators.

Hoon Lee dreamland@donga.com