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[Editorial] Perception of Ruling Party Regarding U.S. Should Be Changed.

[Editorial] Perception of Ruling Party Regarding U.S. Should Be Changed.

Posted February. 20, 2002 09:26,   


The speech of Song Suk Chan, member of NMDP, at the National Assembly that pointed George.W.Bush, U.S. President as `incarnation of evil` is not only a matter related to him.

What we pay attention and are concerned with is whether the ruling party which he belonged to has the right perception on the current situation of Korean Peninsula such as the relationship of Korea-U.S and the matter of North and South.

Member Song criticized the speech of President Bush that pointed out North Korea as `axis of evil` saying, "it is declaration of war on the North and a planned stratagem to divide the Korean peninsula permanently."

In a word it is even lacking not only in perception of the current situation but also consideration of relationship between the North and South, Korea-U.S and the North-U.S.

It is possible that criticism regarding strategy of U.S to solve out the matter of WMD and conventional arms and to lead North Korea as a member of international society is wrong.

However the problem is that the ruling party is not able to respond firmly as it is too much excited in the word itself `axis of evil` rather than essential criticism.

Therefore, it is important to judge if the leadership of NMDP knew what Song member would speak in advance or not.

If leadership of NMDP didn`t stop it despite knowing his speech, it is really big matter shaking the National flag.

Though they couldn`t check manuscript of Song member in advance, as NMDP is resisting, it is absurd that leadership of NMDP didn`t perceive how serious it was till there was punishment from Cheong Wa Dae, after the speech.

This is the reason why we are concerned about the narrow viewpoint of NMDP, the ruling party and `unreasonable` perception of the U.S.