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Bush Arrives in Seoul Today

Posted February. 19, 2002 09:20,   


U.S. President George W. Bush is reportedly planning to express his position "to dialogue with the North at the place and the time that the North wants without any condition."

In response, Korean government will deliver its official position to cooperate with the U.S. to solve the problem of the North`s conventional weapons at the Korea-U.S. summit on 20th. Bush will begin his official visit for two days, arriving at Seoul Airport in Seongnam in the afternoon of 19th.

Rounding Up the Agendas: a high ranking official of the government explained that "it is natural that the U.S. is concerning about the North`s conventional weapons since the U.S. armed forces are stationed in the Korean Peninsula. So, Korean government will take active role in the discussion about the North`s conventional weapons, having close cooperation with the U.S."

A source from the Defense Ministry revealed that the Ministry and the USAFK has operated a joint research team for the Credibility Building Measures (CBM) leading by the Colonels of the two nations.

A Cheong Wa Dae official said, "the tuning for the Korea-U.S. summit is completed. U.S. President Bush will reveal his message that the U.S. will dialogue with the North with no conditions when the North sets up a time and place."

Responding to the question whether Bush may raise the FX issue, he did not exclude the possibility, saying "FX project will not be included in the official agenda but Isn`t that the `sales diplomacy` is part of every President`s job?"

NK Urges For Withdrawal of U.S. Army: North` state running Central Broadcasting denounced the U.S. demand for the moving back of North`s conventional weapons, arguing that "to root off the war crisis in the Korean Peninsula, the U.S. army in the South must be withdrawn immediately."

The Central Broadcasting emphasized that "since the inauguration of the Bush administration, the U.S. machinations to isolate and suppress the North has been remarkably increased and the war crisis in the Korean Peninsula has been aggravated. The U.S. propaganda for the danger of attack to the South is in fact to cover up the war scenario to attack the North. "
