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The Average Model of Executives in Big 5, 52 Years Old, Graduated from SNU, from Yongnam Area

The Average Model of Executives in Big 5, 52 Years Old, Graduated from SNU, from Yongnam Area

Posted February. 19, 2002 09:20,   


The average model of the executives of 5 largest groups including Samsung, LG, SK, Hyundai, and Hyundai Motors turns out a 52 year old man, who graduated from Seoul National University and born in Yongnam area.

Such data was revealed by the joint survey of the Donga Ilbo and Korea Information Service on the core executives and CEOs of the large businesses in Korea, as a part of series titled, `leaders of large business 2002`.

The demographical survey was carried on the profiles of 3,496 executives and CEOs of 207 affiliates in the big 5 at the time of Feb. 14th, 2002.

The legal docile of the executives lists Yongnam area including Pusan, Daegu, and Kyongsang Provinces (41 percent), the Capital city area including Seoul, Kyonggi, and Incheon (36 percent), Chungcheong area including Daejeon and Chungcheong Provinces (10 percent), Honam area including Kwangju and Cholla Provinces (8 percent), Kangwon (3 percent), and Cheju (2 percent).

Compared with the data before the foreign exchange crisis in February 1997, the number of executives from Yongnam area has increased by 7 percent while Seoul area downed to 36 percent from previous 42 percent.

The major reason of this change was is the collapse of Daewoo group that had many executives from the Seoul area.

The ratio of executives from the Honam area showed no change during the DJ administration, maintaing 8 percent in 1997 and 2002.

The schools that they graduated comprise of Seoul National University (23 percent), Korea and Yonsei University (11 percent), and Hanyang University (9 percent) that produced more engineering executives.

The average age of the big 5`s executives was 51, which is one year older compared to the data 5 years ago. Golf (31 percent) and Mountain climbing (25 percent) were their favorite hobbies.

Cho Sung-Eun, researcher of KIS, said that "female executives took part of so little portion then couldn`t even make a criterion for female executives. The ratio is probably less than 1 percent."

parkwj@donga.com · kkh@donga.com