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30 People Were Killed or Injured by Suicide Bombing Terror in Israel

30 People Were Killed or Injured by Suicide Bombing Terror in Israel

Posted February. 18, 2002 09:19,   


Israeli national TV and witnesses reported that a suicide bombing killed 3 people and wounded 27 people in a Jewish settlement in the West Bank of Jordan River in the afternoon of the 16th(local time).

The broadcast reported that a powerful bomb exploded in a pizza restaurant in a shopping center in the Jewish settlement of Karnei Shomron, which lies 40 km apart from Tel Aviv to northeast, completely destroying the building and killing 3 people including the terrorist.

It is for the first time that Jewish settlement becomes the target of suicide bombing terror. Witnesses said that many people were wounded because teenagers had gathered in the building.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) phoned to Al Jazeera Arabic satellite news channel, and claimed that they committed the terror to retaliate Israeli invasion and air raid.