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Ruling and Opposition Parties Not to Discuss the Revision of Law on the Periodicals

Ruling and Opposition Parties Not to Discuss the Revision of Law on the Periodicals

Posted February. 15, 2002 09:30,   


The ruling and opposition parties decided on the 14th not to discuss the revision bill of the law on the periodicals officially, as it has the possibility to violate the freedom of speech. The revision bill was proposed by 27 reform-oriented lawmakers supported by the members of `With and Forth Forum`.

Since ruling and opposition parties fixed party line to oppose the bill, the bill is not likely to pass in the National Assembly.

The New Millennium Democratic Party (NMDP) concluded that the bill was introduced by the lawmakers who are the members of the `With and Forth Forum` at the executive staff members` meeting, and decided not to discuss the bill as a party affair.

Lee Nak-Yeon the spokesperson of NMDP said, "Our party did not and will not discuss the revision of the law on the periodicals as a party policy."

Lee Jae-Oh, floor leader of the Grand National Party said, "Our party believes that we cannot allow the government to violate the freedom of speech and freedom of the press, and to interfere in the press unfairly. Alhough the Culture and Tourism Committee of the National Assembly will examine the revision bill, it appears difficult for the bill to pass in the National Assembly due to the controversies about some provisions."

Young-Chan Yoon jnghn@donga.com · Jeong-Hun Kim yyc11@donga.com