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[Editorial] Political Corruption Dismays People on New Year`s Day

[Editorial] Political Corruption Dismays People on New Year`s Day

Posted February. 14, 2002 09:18,   


Members of the ruling and opposition parties who visited local districts greeting New Year`s Day said that the people are discouraged more than ever due to political corruption in the Korean peninsula.

People are especially getting angry about political compromise, members say, regardless of party or region.

Even the members of the ruling party said, "The people`s expectations of the government has turned into disappointment with every scandal `gate` ." and, "The people have turned against the NMDP because of the corruption scandals."

We can imagine how bad the situation is if even the members of the ruling party are saying these things.

Without changing the peoples` mind, it will be difficult for national events like the World Cup games and Asian Games to go smoothly and successfully this year, and local and presidential election might not be able to elicit enthusiastic participation from the people.

Moreover, the fragility and loss of power of the current government, which has only one year left, is remarkably visible.

In addition, the relationship between North and South, North Korea-U.S and South Korea-U.S is becoming any more stable.

I am worried that the economy, which is showing signs of recovery after a long time, might drop or how the peoples` life will be if the situation goes on like this. The very administration of national affairs is a cause for worry.

The only way to retrieve the support of the people is to disclose honestly the substance of each scandal.

The government bodies must clarify suspicions surrounding the President`s relatives and key political figures rather than gliding over the issue and changing policies.

Even though the details of the corruption cases may lie hidden and covered up, it is a question whether political compromises can keep them buried forever. Attempting to do so will only intensify the crisis and damage the dignity and morality of the government.

The present administration should discern the public`s sentiment on New Year`s Day which the members of the ruling and opposition parties expressed, and think over real counter-measures.

If they merely overlook the challenge with the thought, "At least it`s better than the former government." or act carelessly, the aftereffects will last for a long time, even after the administration`s term ends.

To follow people`s will is the best solution.