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15 Personnel Changes at Vice Minister Level

Posted February. 05, 2002 09:28,   


President Kim Dae-Jung carried out personnel changes on the 4th, changing 9 vice ministers at 6 vice minister level posts. Yoon Jin-Sik, Director of Customs Office, was appointed as vice minister of Finance and Economy, Kim Hang-Kyoung, the chief of Foreign Affairs and National Security Council was appointed as vice minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Yoon Young Dae, head of the National Statistical Office was appointed as vice director of the Fair Trade Commission, and Lee Yong-Seob, director of the Finance and Economy was appointed as the chief of the Customs Office.

The senior presidential press secretary Park Sun-Sook explained the rationale personnel changes, saying, "Our society should be renewed through big changes on the vice minister level. We can stimulate government organizations by encouragement and recruitment of capable individual from public society."
