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Resembling War-Time, “Priority Lies in National Security”

Resembling War-Time, “Priority Lies in National Security”

Posted January. 31, 2002 09:50,   


The U.S. President George W. Bush’s State of the Union Address on the 29th almost resembled an emergency wartime situation. Economic recovery was also defined as `economic security` to overcome the terrorist tragedy. On the other side, domestic agendas including the Enron scandal were mentioned only in brief.

President Bush appeared confident throughout the 45 minute-speech, and the Congressmen and Congresswomen gave 77 applauses (43 standing ovations) altogether.

However, the opposition Democrats differed on tax reduction, economic measures, and the Enron scandal, although all agreed about the war against terrorism.

The War On Terror -

President Bush said, "Thousands of dangerous killers, schooled in the methods of murder, often supported by outlaw regimes, are now spreading throughout the world like ticking time bombs, set to go off without warning."

National Security –

The National Defense budget increased to its highest in 20 years, its inevitability in light of more terrorist attacks was emphasized.

Economy -

It was explained that the deficit budget compilation is geared to stimulate the economy after winning the war against terror.

Miscellaneous -

The establishment of `U.S.A. Freedom Corps`, composed of volunteers like the Peace Recruitment Organization, was proposed. President Bush said that the number of peace organizations will double within 5 years to help Muslim education and developments.
